1528 - Pánfilo the Narváez, Spanish conquistador arrives in Florida with 350 men to a hostile reception from native Indians
1896 - 1st Olympic games close at Athens, Greece
1912 - RMS Titanic sinks at 2:27 AM off Newfoundland as band plays on
1924 - Rand McNally publishes its first road atlas.
1941 - 1st helicopter flight of 1 hr duration, Stratford, Ct
1952 - 1st B-52 prototype test flight
1964 - Chesapeake Bay Bridge opens (world's longest)
1973 - Walt Disney Story opens
2010 - Volcanic ash from the eruption of Eyjafjallajökull in Iceland leads to the closure of airspace over most of Europe.
1921 - Georgi Timofeyevich Beregovoi, USSR, cosmonaut (Soyuz 3)
1932 - Nikolai Stepanovich Porvatkin, Russian cosmonaut
1865 - Abraham Lincoln, 16th American president, dies from gunshot wound at 56
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