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- Hits: 396
1535 - French explorer Jacques Cartier discovers the area where Montreal, Quebec is located.
1833 - Charles Darwin rides through Corunda to Santa Fe Argentina
1833 - NY Anti-Slavery Society organized
1958 – Guinea Independence Day
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1811 - The first steamboat to sail the Mississippi River arrives in New Orléans, Louisiana.
1890 - Yosemite National Park is established by the United States Congress.
1892 - University of Chicago opens
1908 - Henry Ford introduces the Model T car (costs $825)
1960 - Nigeria gains independence from Britain (National Day)
1960 - Independence from the United Kingdom on August 16, 1960, but Cyprus Independence Day is commonly celebrated on October 1.
1969 - Concorde breaks the sound barrier for the first time.
1978 - Tuvalu (formerly Ellice Islands) declares independence from UK
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1882 – Thomas Edison's first commercial hydroelectric power plant (later known as Appleton Edison Light Company) begins operation on the Fox River in Appleton, Wisconsin, United States.
1895 - France proclaims a protectorate over Madagascar
1898 - City of NY established
1949 - Michel Tognini, Vincennes France, astronaut (Soyuz TM-15, sk: STS 93)
2009 - Sumatra 2009 earthquakes occur, killing over 1,115 people.
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1885 - The first practical public electric tramway in the world is opened in Blackpool, England.
1927 - Tornado strikes St Louis Missouri, 85 die.
1988 - Space Shuttle: NASA launches STS-26, the return to flight mission, after the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster.
1993 – In Aruba, the Caribbean island, Republic of Macedonia is admitted as a full member of Interpol.
2009 - Samoa earthquake; An 8.0 magnitude earthquake near the Samoan Islands causes a tsunami.
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- Hits: 242
1542 - Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo discovers California, at San Diego Bay
1858 - Donati's comet becomes 1st to be photographed
1867 - Торонто станува главен град на Онтарио.
1887 - Yellow River or Huáng Hé floods in China, killing an estimate 1.5 million people
1993 - Владата на Демократска Народна Република Кореја донесе одлука за признавање на Република Македонија.
2008 - SpaceX launches the first ever private spacecraft, the Falcon 1 into orbit.