Hungary is a country located in Central Europe, in the central part of the Pannonian Plain. The area that occupies is 93,030 km². Also Hungary is a Member State of the European Union, NATO, UN, OECD, WTO, Visegrad Group and others.

It is bordered by Romania and Ukraine in the east, north Slovakia, Austria and Slovenia in the west with Croatia and Serbia in the south.


Hungary political map

The capital of the country is Budapest and other major cities: Debrecen, Miskolc, Szeged, Pécs, Győr and others.



Historically beginnings of Hungary related to the permanent settlement of the Hungarians in the Pannonian Plain around IX century. This old nomadic people belonging to the Finno-Ugric language group, and for the first king was named Stephen I in 1000 AD In the further history Hungary has fallen under the ownership of the Ottoman Empire, and was part of the Habsburg monarchy to complete as participant of Austria-Hungary.
After the collapse of Austria-Hungary, today the Republic of Hungary achieved its independence on October 18, 1989. Since then Hungary firmly trace its path to prosperity, progress and success so that today is a highly developed country with a strong booming economy following the global developments.
Hungary now has a population of about ten million inhabitants and nearly homogenous structure ie 98% of the population is Hungarian, while the rest live Sinti, Roma, Germans, Croats and others. About 80% of the population identified themselves as believers, mostly dominated by Catholics and Protestants. Illiteracy is less than 1%. As in other developed European countries and Hungary follow the trend of negative natural growth and a high percentage of senior citizens.


Hungarian folklore

Relief in Hungary is mainly lowland. Hungary has low mountains as part of the Alps in the west to the south reaches to Dinaric Mountains and the highest mountain of lies in northern Hungary Slovakian border, and that mild branches of the Carpathians. In this area between the rivers Danube and Tisza is najvisokata mountain Matra with top Keke (1015 masl).


Plain relief in Hungary

It has a predominantly continental climate with hot summers and cold winters. Characteristic view to Hungarian steppes - deserts. Largest river is the Danube, which flows along the border with Slovakia and intersecting the middle of the country north to south. Its biggest tributary is lev Tisza, on the right side Raba and Drava.
One of the largest lakes in Central Europe is located right in Hungary in the western part, and it is Lake Balaton (Lake muddy). It covers an area of 591 square kilometers with an average depth of 3 meters. It offers excellent opportunities for tourism development.


lake Balaton

Hungary is a parliamentary democratic republic with a multiparty system of government. Suffrage all citizens over 18 years. The unicameral National Assembly has 376 MPs. Members are elected for a term of four years, while the president is elected by parliament for five years and he has limited powers.
The official language is Hungarian, and financial forint currency.



Vesna Tomovska