Skopje, April 2015th
to geography professors in Macedonia
Dear colleagues,
According to the need for vocational training and professional development of geography teachers in primary and secondary schools, Association Geography Professors of Macedonia "LJUBE MILENKOVSKI, PHD” - Skopje, and in cooperation with the University of Tourism and Management in Skopje on 25. 04.2015 year, was organized a one-day training for geography teachers in primary and secondary schools on the theme "Application trends in contemporary teaching".
Main goals:
• improving the competence of teachers by adopting knowledge for the application of leadership skills as a prerequisite of a successful lesson
• management lesson using modern strategies, methods and techniques in teaching;
• encouraging the presentation skills of the students and a way of objectively evaluating them;
Expected effects:
• Participants can raise the quality of teaching by means of modern teaching practices and applying modern methodology in the teaching of geography;
• Participants will gain knowledge, skills and competences with regard to teaching and extracurricular activities;
• Participants are getting continuous education of members (seminars and training);
• Participants enrich it CV-teacher
• Participants develop a sense of belonging, democracy, mutual respect and understanding
• Registration of participants will begin at 9:00 pm.
We ask participants to log in and confirm their participation at tel .: ++ 389 2 3093 209, Fax .: ++ 389 2 3093 209, the mob. ++ 389 072 25 41 96 or e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
One day training for geography teachers at primary and secondary schools in Macedonia on the topic:
"Application trends in modern teaching"
The theme: "Application trends in modern teaching’
1. "teacher - leader’
- Alexandra Stoilkovska, PhD
2. "Management in the Classroom’
- Valentina Palevski Mucunska. PhD
3. "Presentation skills'
- Sasko Gramatnikovski. PhD
The training will be conducted in the form of workshops (lectures, presentations and exercises), divided into three groups, which will be realized at the UTMS (201,202,101 in the amphitheatre of UTMS), starting at 13:30.
NOTE: The lectures will be repeated in all three periods with different groups and examples of geography.
Certification participants
Geographical night
I wish you successful work!
Association of Professors of Geography Macedonia
Juliana Petrovska, MSc