Ladies and Gentlemen,
We would like to inform you that on the initiative of a group of geography professors, on 20.12.2014, Association of geography professors of Macedonia AGPM - Skopje was established.

Statute and other acts of the Association contains the vision, mission and goals of the association, as follows:
• The vision of the Association of Geography Professors of Macedonia AGPM - Skopje, is a developed, modern and advanced educational, academic, scientific and cultural center of geography professors from Macedonia, in which the progress of geography as a science in the teaching process, but in all its segments is the primary goal,
• The mission of the Association of Geography Professors of Macedonia AGPM - Skopje is with its socially responsible, organized and dedicated approach, constantly to strengthen the reputation and influence of geography professors in the overall educational and cultural life in the Republic of Macedonia, which will improve the situation in the field of activity of the Association, to take resolute steps to opening opportunities to recover the geography on a level appropriate to its role and importance in society, to adopt new knowledge, to exchange experiences and to implement positive practices recognized in developed countries in the world.
• The mission of this Association is to be questioned and to give mobility to the current problems the geography professors and to take action to address them. Through proper education, theoretical and practical training to its members, the Association of Geography Professors of Macedonia AGPM - Skopje, as a serious organization fully stands behind its strategic objectives outlined in the Work Programme.

For your information, in accordance with the program of work during the month of March a session of the AGPM -Skopje is scheduled as well as one-day training for the members, which will be followed by additional information.

Membership in AGPM- Skopje is free and voluntary, and for more information you can contact the addresses stated in the letter. You can apply for membership in the office of AGPM - Skopje or electronically by completing a membership application published on the Web site of AGPM- Skopje (
Hoping to recognize the seriousness of AGPM - Skopje, I invite you to become an active member.

Association of Macedonian Geography Professors "LJUBE MILENKOVSKI, PHD” - Skopje
Juliana Petrovska, MSc