Доделени 10 стипендии за членовите на здружението од ФОНДАЦИЈАТА ПРОФ. Д-Р ЉУБЕ МИЛЕНКОВСКИ и донација во вредност од 600 000,00 мкд. од страна на семејството Миленковски

Со подарување на енциклопедиско издание на книгата Географија на Република Македонија се одбележа меѓународниот ден на книгата

The Association of Macedonian Geography Professors "Lube Milenkovski, PhD" wishes a Merry Christmas to all adherents of the Catholic faith

A one-day practicum
On 20. 12. 2014, at the initiative of a group of geography professors was held the founding assembly of the Association of Geography Professors of Macedonia "PROFESSOR LJUBE MILENKOVSKI "- Skopje.
On that occasion, according to the planned program activities on 20.12.2015, the members of the working bodies of the association held a meeting and one-day practicum in Vranje, Republic of Serbia.

The Association of Macedonian Geography Professors "Lube Milenkovski, PhD" congratulates to all citizens of Macedonia the holiday of "St. Kliment Ohridski", the day of the first Slovenian and Macedonian educator, writer and bishop.


Association of Macedonian Geography Professors "Lube Milenkovski, PhD" congratulates to all citizens of Macedonia the day of the establishing the Macedonian Revolutionary Organization, October 23 - Day of Macedonian Revolutionary Struggle
