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Ве известуваме дека согласно календарот, Регионалните натпревари ќе се реализираат на 22.03.2025 година со почеток во 10:00 часот. Темите и материјалите дадени се во Пропозициите кои се објавени на нашата официјална страна.
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1633 - In Rome, the Inquisition arrested the Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei, who later, under threat of death, was forced to give up his teaching on the heliocentric system.
1668 - Spain recognizes Portugal as a separate nation.
1852 - Johan Ludwig Born Emile Dreyer, a prominent Danish-Irish astronomer.
1955 - Israel receives four of the seven sets of letters from the Dead Sea area.
1990 - An agreement on the resumption of Germany has been reached.
2001 - Earth in El Salvador; at least 400 victims.
2004 - The Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics announces the discovery of the largest "diamondwhite" dwarf star BPM 37093. It is named "Lucy" after the Beatles song "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds".
2011 - For the first time since 100 years, the Indian tribe Umatilla is allowed to catch a bison outside the Yellowstone National Park.
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2 - Venus and Jupiter in conjunction - possible astrological explanation for Star of Bethlehem
1000 - The foundation of the Hungarian state, Hungary is established as a Christian kingdom by Istvan I of Hungary. St. Istvan Day. The main national holiday.
1856 - Wilberforce University forms in Ohio
1908 - Congo Free State becomes Belgian Congo
1975 - Viking 1 launched to orbit around Mars, soft landing
1977 - NASA launches Voyager 2 towards Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus & Neptune
1991 - Estonia formally declares its independence from the USSR