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1607 - The English colonist John Smith arrives near James River in Virginia.
1643 - A strong earthquake shook Santiago (Chile), died 1/3 of city residents.
1795 - Born Gérard Paul Deshayes, French geologist.
1830 - Established the Republic of Ecuador, headed by President Juan Jose Flores.
1848 - First performance of the Finnish national anthem.
1861 - John Tebbutt reveals the Great Comet.
1982 - Launched a Soyuz T-5, in the direction of Berezovoi and Lebedev of 211 days in space.
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1459 - Jodhpur Rao founded the city of Sun City in India.
1835 - Charles Darwin arrives to copper mines in Chile.
1870 - Manitoba becomes a province of Canada.
1881 - Signed a contract of Bardot, which Tunisia becomes a French protectorate.
1897 - In the village of Yde (Netherlands) found a fossil of a girl from 1800 to 1900 years old.
1880 – Was born Lincoln Ellsworth, an American explorer who led the first transatlantic flight.
1906 – Was born William M. Ewing, American geologist/geographer.
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1492 - Кристофер Колумбо го склучува договорот од Санта Фе со Изабела I од Кастилја за неговото патување кон Индија преку Атлантикот.
1524 - Giovanni Verrazano, морепловец од Фиренца, го открива заливот на Њујорк.
1967 – Лансирано е леталото Surveyor 3, кое слетува на Месечината на 20 април.
1970 - Тешко оштетениот модул на ракетата „Аполо 13“ безбедно се враќа на Земјата со тричлениот екипаж.
1971 – Египет, Либија и Сирија формираат федерација (FAR)
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1756 - Jacques Cassini, Fr astronomer (Discover rings of Saturn), dies at 79
1783 - Christian Mayer, Czech astronomer (b. 1719)
1914 - George W Hill, US astronomer (moon orbit), dies at 76
1850 - Marie [Gresholtz] Tussaud, maker of wax figures, dies at 88
1862 - Slavery abolished in District of Columbia
1924 - 1st radio-transmission of wireless: Mattheus Passion
1965 - Test flight of heavy Saturn S-1C-rocket
1972 - Apollo 16 launched; 5th manned lunar landing (Decartes Highlands)
Easter for members of the Christian faith
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1528 - Pánfilo the Narváez, Spanish conquistador arrives in Florida with 350 men to a hostile reception from native Indians
1896 - 1st Olympic games close at Athens, Greece
1912 - RMS Titanic sinks at 2:27 AM off Newfoundland as band plays on
1924 - Rand McNally publishes its first road atlas.
1941 - 1st helicopter flight of 1 hr duration, Stratford, Ct
1952 - 1st B-52 prototype test flight
1964 - Chesapeake Bay Bridge opens (world's longest)
1973 - Walt Disney Story opens
2010 - Volcanic ash from the eruption of Eyjafjallajökull in Iceland leads to the closure of airspace over most of Europe.
1921 - Georgi Timofeyevich Beregovoi, USSR, cosmonaut (Soyuz 3)
1932 - Nikolai Stepanovich Porvatkin, Russian cosmonaut
1865 - Abraham Lincoln, 16th American president, dies from gunshot wound at 56