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1822 - Congress combined East & West Florida into Florida Territory
1867 - US buys Alaska from Russia for $7,200,000 (2 cents an acre - Seward's Folly)
1982 - 3rd space shuttle mission-Columbia 3 lands at White Sands, NM
1992 - Macedonia and Croatia sign an agreement on establishing diplomatic relations between the two countries at ambassadorial level
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1638 - Swedish colonists establish the first European settlement in Delaware, naming it New Sweden.
1806 - Construction is authorized of the Great National Pike, better known as the Cumberland Road, becoming the first United States federal highway.
1867 - Британската Влада во северниот дел на Америка го формира доминионот Канада со три покраини: Канада, Нова Шкотска и Њу Бранзвик. Со Вестминстерскиот статут од 1913 година Канада и формално стана независна држава на британскиот Комонвелт.
1882 - Knights of Columbus are established.
1974 - Mariner program: NASA launches the Mariner 10 becomes the first space probe to fly by Mercury. (It was launched on November 3rd, 1973.)
1999 - Chamoli earthquake; A magnitude 6.8 earthquake strikes the Chamoli district in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, killing 103.
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1749 – Was born Pierre Simon Laplace — French astronomer, physician and mathematician.
1776 - Juan Bautista de Anza finds the site for the Presidio of San Francisco.
1920 - Palm Sunday tornado outbreak of 1920; affects the Great Lakes region and Deep South states.
1930 - Constantinople and Angora change their names to Istanbul and Ankara.
1970 - Gediz earthquake; A 7.2 magnitude earthquake strikes western Turkey, killing 1,086 and injured 1,260.
2005 – Earthquake (8.7) in Sumatra.
2005 - Sumatra earthquake; rocks Indonesia, and at magnitude 8.7 is the fourth strongest earthquake since 1965.
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1513 - Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de León reaches the northern end of The Bahamas on his first voyage to Florida.
1713 - Spain loses Menorca and Gibraltar to Britain under the Treaty of Utrecht.
1890 – A tornado strikes Louisville, Kentucky, killing 76 and injuring 200.
1918 – Moldova and Bessarabia join Romania.
1964 – Earthquake strikes Alaska, 8.4 on Richter scale, 118 die.
1968 - During the test flight by plane dies Yuri Gagarin, the first man to fly in space.
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1636 University of Utrecht opening ceremony
1812 - Earthquake destroys 90% of Caracas, Venezuela; about 20,000 die
1872 7.8 earthquake shakes Owens Valley, California
1931 New Delhi replaces Calcutta as capital of British-Indies
1958 - Explorer program, Explorer 3 launches from the Atlantic Missile Range in Cape Canaveral, Florida.
1969 Soviet weather satellite Meteor 1 launched